Power Knot Ocean Biodigesters
The LFC® biodigester is a commercial aerobic biodigester that decomposes food wastes within 24 hours. It uses a series of processes in which microorganisms break down biodegradable material in the presence of oxygen. The output is grey water that can be pumped directly overboard or treated by the vessel sewage treatment plant.
Using Power Knot’s LFC biodigesters on ships ensures that organic waste can be safely disposed of with no possibility of plastics entering the ocean. With hundreds of machines deployed across cruise ships, cargo ships, FSRUs, tankers, and mega yachts, Power Knot Ocean brings seven years of experience to solving problems of organic waste on vessels while meeting MARPOL regulations.
The LFC biodigester is a fully enclosed automatic biodigester that disposes of most food matter within 24 hours. Once it is installed, you can add food waste at any time. Food waste is digested and only non-solid byproducts are discharged into the waste water.
The LFC biodigester uses water to: maintain equilibrium for the microorganisms, rapidly digest the organic material, and flush decomposed material out of the machine A rotating arm slowly churns the waste food to constantly mix the old food, new food, oxygen, and microorganisms to enhance the decomposing function.
Connection to the Cloud
The LFC biodigester can connect through its Ethernet port to a cloud server maintained by Power Knot Ocean. The LFC biodigester securely sends data about the operation of the LFC biodigester to the server and that data is retained for five years. The data includes the amount of waste food digested hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly; the number of times the door is opened in these periods; and the amount of CO2 diverted from ocean during these periods. If you have multiple machines, you can aggregate the data into a single report for stakeholders
You can view the health of the system including all diagnostics and scheduled maintenance remotely.
You have access to view and manipulate the data from any comÂputer, tablet, or smartphone anywhere in the world. This access is available as long as you own the LFC biodigester at no charge to you.
While the LFC biodigester is under warranty, Power Knot Ocean can monitor your LFC biodigester at no charge. We will send you an e-mail with weekly or monthly statistics and also alert you when it is time for periodic maintenance. We will also send an e-mail if there seems to be a problem and work with you to schedule service.
How It Works
The LFC biodigester uses a series of processes in which microorganisms break down biodegradable material in the presence of oxygen.
The unique environment of the LFC biodigester, along with Power Knot Ocean’s proprietary mixture of microbes and enzymes, accelerates the digestion of most food products and bioplastics within 24 hours. The output is grey water that can be pumped directly overboard or treated by the vessel sewage treatment plant.
The LFC biodigester is a practical alternative to the traditional disposal of waste food. Anything you can eat, including fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, cheese, bread, rice, noodles and other carbohydrates can go into the LFC biodigester. The food decomposition machine can digest both raw and cooked foods. The process is totally green because it uses no chemicals.
As one of Earth’s oldest processes, composting is the most effective means of stabilizing and converting biodegradable waste. The food waste does not get grinded up. Instead, it decomposes to such a degree that it becomes a liquid and can exit the machine only through a fine mesh screen. No plastics can exit the machine.
Saving the Ocean
When food waste decomposes, it produces methane , (CH4) which is 87 times worse for the atmosphere in the short term than carbon dioxide (CO2). The effect of this on global warming is huge, because the largest part of garbage sent to landfills in the US is waste food. Further, the decomposition smells and can cause health problems. Discarding 100‚ kg (220‚ lb) of waste food per day causes the equivalent of 153 tonnes of CO2‚ per year to be sent to the atmosphere.
The decomposition inside the LFC biodigester is an aerobic process (in the presence of oxygen). This produces CO2‚ and water in a natural manner that is accelerated in the food decomposition machine. This natural process is carbon neutral because the carbon was taken from the atmosphere to produce the food in the first place. The LFC biodigester uses minimal electricity that causes (for the LFC-100) the production of about 2.1 tonnes of CO2‚ per year.
Simple Operation
The LFC biodigester is constantly digesting the waste and you can add waste food at any time. Simply open the door, throw it in, and close the door. In this way, you can view the LFC biodigester as a bottomless bucket.
The motor on the LFC biodigester won’t run while the door is open for safety. Your operation can be streamlined because large bins and plastic bags are no longer needed to hold waste food. Instead, smaller bins are used that help avoid injuries to employees.Instead, smaller bins are used that help avoid any safety risks and prevent injuries to employees..
All configuration, indications, reports, and statistics are available through the touch screen. The operator doesn’t need to use the touch screen and for most applications the default settings work well. All configurable parameters are protected by password.
The amount of food that can be digested depends on the type of food, the frequency with which it is added to the LFC biodigester, and the duration of the working day. The rated capacity of an LFC biodigester is based on a mixture of raw and cooked food as may be found in a typical restaurant added over a 12 hour to 16 hour working day‚ The upper capacities in the table above assume that you add waste food over a 24 hour day. Cooked rice, pasta, or bread are some of the foods that are rapidly digested and if added in equal portions throughout the day then the capacities can be more than those listed in the table below.
Weighing the Amount of Waste
Load cells on each corner of the LFC biodigester accurately weigh the amount of waste food in the LFC biodigester, the amount that is added, and the amount that is digested. This data is automatically stored and reported graphically and numerically. The data can be viewed by designated periods, such as by hour, day, week, month, and year.
As the operator adds waste into the LFC biodigester, the touch screen indicates how much more can be added. When the door is closed the LFC biodigester indicates with a bright LED when more waste can be added with a simple green light. As waste is added, the indication becomes yellow when no more waste should be added and red if the operator overloads the LFC biodigester.
The LFC biodigester is usually installed inside the area where the food is prepared food isuch as kitchen galleys. The machine has castors so it can be rolled into position. The feet on the load cells are then lowered onto the supplied rubber pads that help to reduce vibrations and noise. It is made with stainless steel and built to withstand the rocking conditions of the ocean.
The LFC biodigester requires hot and cold water input drain out (depending on model). It also requires an electrical supply.
Global Features
Power Knot Ocean sells and supports its products worldwide. The LFC biodigester is fully certified and is available with different supply voltages so it can be used to save money globally.

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