
ACCELL® CLEAN: The P-SS phenomenon

ACCELL® CLEAN is based on refined, fermentation-derived, bioactive stress proteins that are formulated with surfactants. The proteins are processed to form tight complexes with surfactants (Protein-Surfactant Complex, or PSC) and have a synergistic effect on the surfactants activity. This is the foundation of Protein-Surfactant Synergists™, or P-SS™, technology.

What P-SS™ is NOT:
ACCELL® CLEAN is cell-free, does not contain any bacteria, and is not based on any particular enzymes.

What P-SS™ DOES.
P-SS™ technology has two fundamental effects and the particular attributes of each are:

1. A key distinguishing feature of P-SS™ technology is that it synergistically enhances surface
activities of synthetic products with certain biologically derived materials

2. P-SS™ proteins reduce the amount of surfactants needed to do the same amount of work as
the surfactant alone

3. Improving surfactancy include better “wetting” of surfaces

4. Dramatically outperforms many harsh cleaners, especially as in cleaning of oils and greases

5. The protein-surfactant is stable and functional at > 200°F

6. Although ACCELL® CLEAN is nearly neutral per se, it retains their activity in a broad range of pH 1 to 13 (It can be used as an additive/enhancer).

7. ACCELL® CLEAN is compatible with some strong oxidants, such as hydrogen peroxide (over 15%) or hypochlorite bleach.

8. ACCELL® CLEAN eliminates many odors immediately

9. Dramatically reduces surface tension, interfacial tension and critical micelle concentration (up
to 2 logs) of many surfactants

10. Oils and greases are converted into additional surfactants, multiplying the beneficial effects

 affects bacterial metabolism to accelerate the breakdown by oxidation (digestion) of organic material, such as fats, oils greases, diesel, etc.

2. Not only are organic contaminants digested more rapidly, but more completely to carbon
dioxide and water, which means in a wastewater treatment plant there is a significant reduction in
sludge volume

3. Biofilm growth is controlled and removed in many other situations, such as cooling towers,
wastewater sludge conditioning, contaminated porous surfaces, sewers and industrial processes

4. Biological effects are based on natural resident bacteria (microbes) populations that are
ubiquitous in the environment as P-SS™ products do not have any added bacteria

5. The technical term for the biological effect is uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation
[Enhancing Metabolic Processes]

1. Registered by National Safety Foundation (NSF) Standard 60 for use in potable water

2. Certified by the U.S. Coast Guard as safe for maritime applications

3. Certified by the International Maritime Organization, as safe for ocean chemical cargo tank

4. Completely biodegradable

5. Product is manufactured in a food processing facility

6. Product meets FDA guidelines and uses ingredients that are acceptable for the use in food
grade applications in accordance with FDA 21 CFR 182 and 184 GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) and/or FDA 21 CFR 178.3400

The combined Biological and Surfactancy effects means that the wastewater processing starts at the point of use for cleaners. This is based on the dual mode effects of the PSC where biochemical
transformation is synergistically assisted by high surface activity.
Most people are aware of recycling of solid waste. What most of us don’t think about are the costs
associated with the wastewater treatment plant that processes the liquids we send from our kitchens, bathrooms and industrial processes.

The costs to municipalities to build and operate wastewater treatment facilities are huge. The cost to clean and maintain oil & gas platforms are huge. ACCELL® CLEAN can reduce those operating costs dramatically, essentially for free, by starting the breakdown of oils, greases, etc. as they are poured down the drain after cleaning. Septic systems can be treated when HC6056 is flushed into drains that feed those systems.
Inasmuch as the product keeps on working, so to speak, it is important to understand that it takes a critical level of the PSC in a system for it to have an effect. This means that the biological effects would be noted only in closed, somewhat controlled, systems. These include sewers and wastewater systems, cooling towers, etc. The PSC’s noted biological effects would be observed only at adequate dosage levels.
If the product is discharged somehow into the environment where it becomes infinitely dilute, there would be none of the above noted effects, eliminating concerns of disruptions to ecosystems.
Further, the PSC is highly biodegradable and therefore it is not persistent in the environment, meaning that it does not accumulate

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